Software Testing

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What is Behavioral Testing??

First, we discuss on Software Testing  Technique Definition - Software Testing is nothing but the process of evaluating a software program to get the difference between given input and expected output. Testing is going to access the quality of the product. In simple language, testing is a Validation and Verification process. Software testing helps to find errors and bugs in actual requirements. There are two type of technique :  

Why Software Industries relying on Web Automations and Mobile Automations in Software Testing.

Indeed, now a days Automation testing is becoming a major part of the software development process to overcome repetitive and complex testing tasks. Automation testing is using automation tools to execute the test cases. Manual testing is performed by a human whereas Automation testing is performed by using automation tools such as Selenium, Cucumber, Sikuli, QTP, RFT for web automations and Appium, Selendroid, Robotium etc for mobile automations. It enables

Why Software Testing is Important ?

Today’s world has been digitalized very rapidly. Every business, every transaction or let’s say everything has become online. Most of the people are using the internet to do these online things. But to make the business online, it is necessary to have a website or a mobile application to do things over the internet. So in this race, the business owners try to make their business website or application in